02/2023 Theater Magdeburg

In this artistic research project, BOYS* IN SYNC is collaborating with nine children and teenagers to explore lost movements in the city of Magdeburg.
Throughout the last centuries, the East German city has undergone many historical changes: Destroyed during World War II and rebuilt under socialist urban guidelines, the city’s face has again changed drastically through the capitalization of public spaces since the 1990s.

Together with their young researchers, BOYS* IN SYNC are visiting spaces and institutions to excavate traces of Magdeburg’s former landscapes. Which movements have vanished in the citizen’s repertoire due to industrial, social and cultural changes? How can these movements be reconstructed, reproduced and eventually reshaped?

The result of their work is presented at Theater Magdeburg as part of the laboratory program BANDE23. The various movements are collected in an „Archive of Lost Movements“, as a remnant of collective loss and social change.

„You told us, that you bought all these bridges and spaces in the 90s, but what will happen if you die? Will you inherit these spaces to your children or the people?”
Emma, 10 years

Concept: Anja Engelhardt, Jakob Krog and Simon David Zeller
From and With: Emma, Isabell, Charlotte, Michelle, Luna, Martha, Pauline and Johanna

Public presentation of the research results: 11.03.2023, Theater Magdeburg

With special thanks to the team of Dom Magdeburg and the Verein zur Erhaltung der Magdeburger Hubbrücke e.V.


Instructions for those at Home (video work)
